Independent Tribune Article: City of Concord plans to open butterfly meadow 6/30/17
Independent Tribune Article: Rachel's butterfly garden comes home 5/27/16
Charlotte Observer- Cabarrus: Vanishing of the Bee's Movie 10/28/15
Charlotte Observer Cabarrus article: Making Concord a better home for Wildlife 5/20/15
Independent Tribune article: Concord NC certified as a Community Wildlife Habitat 4/22/15
City of Concord Press Release: City of Concord becomes a NWF Certified Community Wildlife Habitat 4/22/15
This story ran on 1/14/15 Independent Tribune article: Concord man leads effort to cultivate wildlife habitats.

On October 11th, The Concord Wildlife Alliance, in conjunction with the State of North Carolina and Cabarrus County Soil and Water Conservation took part in the states Big Sweep Campaign. Together with some volunteers from the Concord Lion's Club, Gibson Village Neighborhood Association, and Clearwater Artist Studio we cleaned up part of the Academy Branch along the Village Greenway. After taking a quick tour of the Clearwater Artist studio we headed out to clean the branch. As you can see we made a huge impact on the removal of trash, clothes, debris and tires from this waterway.

Independent Tribune Article: On October 1, 2014, the North Carolina Wildlife Federation (NCWF) bestowed a special honor upon Memorial Gardens. Through the Fellowship Actions Impacting the Habitat (F.A.I.T.H.) designation, NCWF seeks to recognize and certify communities of faith who work to create wildlife-friendly habitats on their properties. "This program is designed to encourage ongoing stewardship of our wildlife and wild places in urban, suburban, and rural settings" said Tim Gestwicki, CEO of NCWF. Our deep thanks and congratulations go out to the Board and staff of Memorial Gardens for this well-deserved honor.
Independent Tribune Article: 9/2015- Concord resident and business owner is newly elected Chairman of the Board of Directors for the NC Wildlife federation.

Congratulations to all of our current and new members on helping Concord Wildlife Alliance take 2nd place in the recent contest the State Wildlife Federation put on for gaining new memberships. This not only helps us continue to reach our goal of being certified as a chapter. It helps show and spread the word of all the goods things we have accomplished in the short amount of time since our formation.
NC Sportsmen Rally Behind Clean Water Act proposals- Please Read - 2014

sportsmanrally.pdf |
Concord Wildlife Alliance formation press releases from 2014
Cabarrus News - Charlotte Observer - 7/27
Time Warner Cable News - 7/6
Independent Tribune - 7/5
City of Concord - Press Release - 7/2
Time Warner Cable News - 7/6
Independent Tribune - 7/5
City of Concord - Press Release - 7/2